The human race series


The Human Race Series is the creation of Two Birds Productions and is written and narrated by Two Birds Director Gregg Dugan.

Books I-IV begin in the early 70’s and traverse four biospheric projects and parts between – on the seven seas, in Southern France, in Fort Worth, Texas and the Biosphere 2 project in Arizona.

In Book V, Two Birds Media traverses the double helix of evolution and extinction. The human race - where will it all end?

Video Episodes - Part I of the HRS - can be accessed when reading Book V.

Audio Versions of all five books now posted.

Books I - V are interlinked, but each can be read or listened to stand-alone.

Book I : Voyages of the Heraclitus

BOOK II : Les Marronniers/The Chestnuts - Le Club de l’Empire

Book III : The Caravan of Dreams - The Empire of the Night & The Rise and Fall of Mr. D

Book IV : Biosphere Two and the History of History

Book V : Two Birds Productions and the river of Gold