Book V

Two Birds Productions and the River of Gold

The Human Race Series is the creation of Two Birds Productions and is written and narrated by Two Birds Director Gregg Dugan.

Books I-V are interlinked, but each can be read or listened to stand-alone.

Book V, finished in 2023, begins with the founding of Two Birds Productions and includes selected episodes from the Two Birds Video series - Part I of the Human Race series. Also embedded in Book V are the comedies Gordo y Flaco (2011) and Showdown in Silver City (2019). The third and final comedy, where TwoBirds and S1-AI join forces, will be posted late in 2024.

Book V by Chapter

Chapter 1 - Value - Page 1

Chapter 2 - Apply to yourself - Page 32

Chapter 3 - Realization of personal difficulties - P. 93

Chapter 4 - Picking up the pieces - Page 122

Chapter 5 - Insight - Page 187

Chapter 6 - Detachment - Page 223

Chapter 7 - Completion - Page 262


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